Can we really move past divisiveness?

Which new voting models empower the people?

Everyone seems tired of politics as usual.
And yet, the partisan stagnation persists, year after year.
How do we make the leap from compromise to collaboration?
How can politicians be encouraged to reach higher ground, together?
It's time to transcend the bickering and govern with consciousness.
Women's dialogue
In these turbulent times, a transpartisan dialogue is gaining strength in the most unlikely places.
Watch it unfold and grow, from concerned citizens to stakeholders to the halls of power.
Voting is the fundamental cornerstone of any democracy.
But when the time comes, why do we so often have to vote for people or issues we know nothing about?
Does the wording seem overly complex at times?
What's the root cause of an increasing trend of voter apathy?
How can we have more direct participation in issues that actually matter to us?
Various new systems, apps and initiatives are emerging, heralding in a smarter form of democracy.
Find out which movements are gaining traction, making it meaningful, efficient and fun to participate in shaping our politics.
With so many shifting priorities, loyalties, demands and pressures, how can politicians remain centered on their higher calling?
Statue of Liberty
Join our initiative to encourage consciousness in our leaders.
We're asking for just one minute of silence before deciding on policy.
One minute to let go of opinions and positions, and just feel...
It's a fundamental shift in our modus operandi – and it starts with us.

What we
work towards


Transcending partisanship

As the halls of power around the world fall into ever increasing divisiveness, we easily get caught up in resentment or despondency. But there is an emerging dialogue growing in force, reminding us that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. Far beyond bipartisan transactional approaches of debate and compromise, this multi-stakeholder dialogue focuses on relationships and collaboration as the key to reaching higher ground. Here we the people bring forth a desperately needed, fresh approach to politicking, focused on wholeness and higher understanding.

Ballot options

New models of democracy

In an age of rapid innovation, there's no reason we need to limit ourselves to ailing methods from centuries past. If our leaders repeatedly fail to adequately resolve our problems, if people are mostly ignorant of who they are electing and why, we have to review our modus operandi. From apps that facilitate more conscious voting, to the ability to pass on your vote on a particular subject to an actual expert on the issue, to forums for parliamentarians on global issues like climate chaos, we empower all innovative approaches to building a new type of democracy.


Raising consciousness from the ground up

The leaders we elect often mirror and exacerbate our own impulsiveness, greed, fear and destructiveness. But as a critical mass of people begins to awaken to higher states of consciousness, it's not too much to expect that politicians too will employ more temperance and discernment, perhaps even learn to listen to the quiet voice of intuition, before making new laws. From instituting moments of silence and contact with nature, to offering training programs and mobilizing popular support for consciousness, this platform brings moments of awakening to the masses and their leaders.

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Communities with a purpose transforming the world.

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Bringing collaboration, innovative models and consciousness to our political systems.